ROOTFULL by Zena Holloway

Rootfull® develops novel textiles by guiding plant root to weave unique artefacts and surfaces. This disruptive innovation operates at the intersection of sustainability, creativity, natural artistry and craftmanship.

Wheatgrass seed is cultivated in templates carved from beeswax. Over 12 days the shoots grow to 20cm while the roots bind below to form a naturally woven structure. The root weaves itself into a fabric that is biodegradable, pollution-free, water-efficient, and estimated carbon-negative. The entire process utilises exclusively organic and locally sourced materials. Runoff water is recycled, and any excess shoot or seed is repurposed as animal fodder, leaving no waste behind. The root hairs bond naturally with traditional textiles, opening opportunities to repurpose, reuse, and regrow end of life garments and materials.

The root can act as an embellishment or embroidery and additionally add structure and integrity to existing fabrics. After harvest, the root is coated with natural ingredients to preserve its structure and retain flexibility. Rather like a straw hat the material will last for many years if kept from the elements. All colours are created with natural plant dyes.

Using patent-pending technology, Rootfull® is growing a new breed of hybrid materials. Rootfull® is a London-based startup producing a unique range of natural root textiles, fashion and jewellery that are grown from seed.

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